Thursday, April 21, 2011


Frozen Yogurt!

I love froyo. It is literally god's gift to mankind. It's delicious, and better than ice cream (PSH LIKE THAT'S POSSIBLE!). There is nothing better than on a sweltering day, when you can feel your boobs stick together, and your hair is drenched in sweat to walk into that cold conditioned froyo shop, and make your own yummy concoction. To be summed up in one work, it's BOMB.

I'm a plain froyo, type of girl. I like fruit/tart frozen yogurt with fruit and sometimes gummy worms. Mine is on the left, since I'm the fattest of my friends. And topping the froyo is so much fun! This particular photo was taking at tartberry, so froyo creds go to them. 

If you haven't heard of it, frozen yogurt, or more commonly known as froyo. It's basically similar to the cupcake craze that swept the nation a couple years ago, but now with froyo. Froyo stores are popping up like crazy, but I ate my first froyo in California, which has been in to froyo for years. I find Asian people are really attached to it, because tart froyo tastes like Chinese yogurt which is amazing all to it's self.

When you get froyo, you basically walk into this kickin' place, that is usually filled with people and is decorated really cute. You grab a cup or some sample cups, and you basically fill up your cup with whatever flavors you want. Froyo places usually have 9 flavors, but you wanna sample before you try, because some froyo places taste like crap. Then there's this enormously long topping bar. I'm been to froyo places that have mini cupcakes for toppings, to Sriracha.  It's definitely a culinary experience. They charge you based on weight, and voila! You're done! 

Love it. Love froyoooo, yo!

Monday, February 21, 2011


So, my adventures on Chat Roulette. I recently started using it, after they got rid of most of the penis. Thank God. So Chat Roulette is kind of a creepy site, I'll admit. There are some pretty desperate people on there. But... if you're lucky like me, you can meet cute boys too. Yay!

So here's how the break down of Chat Roulette goes. There are your fappers. They fap on camera. It's gross. Press the next button. There are the suggestives. They lay the camera on their chest or lay in bed with no shirt on, and frankly it's quite disturbing. You should not be chatrouletting before you're about to go to bed. It could give you nightmares. There are your bros/hoes. The bros are basically a giant group of guys that want to see tits. The hoes are girls that want to show you their tits. There are your old men. And finally there are your cute boys! None of which who I took screen shots of unfortunately.

So, I'm gonna give you the run down (for girls) of how to find the cutest guys. For guys, you should try daytime. For girls, you should try around 10PM. Around 12AM all the fappers come out, but it's at night time that you can find the cutest guys.  :) During the day, gaggles of girls come on to try chat roulette, and you just see valley after valley after valley. If you get what I'm saying.

Now in order to properly hold a Chat Roulette convo, you don't want to be a creeper. The coolest cats on Chat Roulette or the ones with the Vendetta masks, or the ones that serenade you. So, you should really just sing to people, and then you can converse about how awkward your singing it afterwards. It doesn't help to be cute either, lol.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

twenty things you didn't need to know about me!

1.   I'm a weird one. I stay up late, eat lot's of grapefruit, and rock out to Justin Bieber.

2. I live in Portlandia. Hipster central of the universe, and home to the largest amount of strip clubs per capita.

3. I'm a super nerd. I play Pokemon, Zelda, and every other video game on the planet. I read manga, watch anime, asian dramas, and Dr. Who.

4. I like big butts and I cannot lie. 

5. I play the bassoon. It's basically this instrument that looks like a giant bong. 

6. I dislike hipsters. :)

7. I blog because I have no life to speak of. 

8. I am a creeper.

9. I happen to own a EOS 20D. It is my baby and I love it very much.

10. FOOD. I eat a lot of it. 

11. I am Chinese. Not Japanese, not Korean, and not Vietnamese. 

12. I live with my mum and my older sister. And my two fluffy dogs.

13. Make up? Bleh, I try not to wear any at all. I have faced the fact that I am not the prettiest person in the world, and I am perfectly content with that. ♥

14. My webcam is shit.

15. I am very sexual. I have the immaturity of a thirteen year old hormonal boy. :c

16. I l♥ve everybody.

17. *pelvic thrust*

18: I love tea. Especially bubble tea. This is my very special bubble tea mug. 

19. My favorite super power is meat vision. 

20. ♥